Friday, November 16, 2007

Baby Shower

This is a bit late, but I have been busy lately. We had our baby shower last month. Lots of friends and family showed up. It was really a good time. Thanks to everyone who came down for it! We drew in people from as far away as Florida; Lizz's mother, Linda from Gainesville, and Taylor all the way from Miami.

We got lots of clothes for the baby; roughly 97% pink. We were really happy to have the gender confirmed during the last ultrasound, since a boy would probably end up scarred wearing all that pink. Dan and Debbie's daughter Morgan helped Lizz with the unwrapping. She was so well behaved, and did not get jealous or anything of all the toys. We can only hope our daughter does so well. Based on her parents, I am bracing for a feral child who communicates via grunts and olfactory marking. That way I will be happy with anything more advanced.

Morgan did get to play with the awesome pedal car my parents got us. I also thought that this was just a really good picture.

Baby Face

Here is the picture we took home from the 36 week ultrasound. She definitely looks like me.

Everything checks out fine. Her weight was estimated at 6lbs 9oz. With 4 weeks to go, gaining 0.5lb per week, she is going to be a big one. The margin of error is +/- 1 lb, so at the low end she will be average sized. Lizz doesn't want to talk about the high end.

So we are getting close, two weeks until the due date. We will see how punctual she is.